We are pleased to recognize Professor Justin Hicks as the recipient of the Fall 2022 Faculty/Staff Award for supporting student well-being. Undergraduate students were invited to nominate faculty and staff who are attentive to students’ needs, provide support when it is needed, is sensitive to students' lives outside of academics, and finally, checks-on students and follows-up when necessary
Hicks was nominated for the award because he is “caring and attentive [of] students’ and show interest in students’ lives while providing encouragement to improve their mental well-being.”.
The committee that reviewed nominations and selected award recipients included representatives from Health Promotion’s Peer Health Educators, Cognitive Science Student Association, Theta Tau, MicroFinance Project, Associated Students of UC Merced, and Phi Delta Epsilon.
Congratulations Professor Hicks for being the recipient of the Fall, 2022 Faculty/Staff Award for supporting student well-being!